This guy had barely stepped out of the car and I had already started shooting... his style, his smile and his spirit were electric... This shoot was pure flow. Thank you Amnah and Anijae for spending the afternoon with me, and Kristi (his agent) for connecting us!
Anijae - TCM Models, Seattle
[See photoshoot following Q&A]
If all your clothes could only be one color, what color would you choose? White
What is your favorite book? "The Swap"
What is your favorite part of your day/school/activity? Playing Baseball
If the story of YOU became a movie, how would the movie end? "dun dun dun" (doomsday music)
Do you have any jokes to tell me? "Wall. Paper. Get it? hehehehe"
What is the funnies thing you saw today/this week? My mom's face when she saw that I didn't eat my potatoes
How would you describe a perfect day for you? Hitting a home-run in baseball, eat a donut, then play laser tag. That would make my day perfect. I'm not kidding
If you had an airplane to take you on vacation right now, where would you want to go? Barcelona
If you could do something like your Mom/Dad do, what would you want to be able to do? I wanna be like my mom cause she studies really hard and is a good student and I wanna be like my dad and make really good salmon on the grill
When was the last time you laughed really hard? When I laughed at my own joke
If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have? Oh my fly!
If you could have any 3 wishes granted, what would they be? I would wish to have 1000 more wishes
What is your biggest dream? Become a baseball player
What is your biggest worry? A bug apocalypse
Where is your favorite place to be? In a card board box